It’s estimated that there are between 220,000 and 240,000 amputations involving the toes, legs, or feet in the United States and Europe that are attributed to advanced PAD.15 The good news is there are other treatment options that exist, which could help restore blood flow to your lower limbs, and reduce the risk of amputation. The decision to not get an amputation comes with associated risks. In some cases, amputation may be the best solution.

Stop To Get A Second Opinion

A significant portion of patients do not have any tests or evaluations prior to amputation.

Get A Second Opinion

Amputation is a potential outcome of advanced PAD; however, it’s been reported that many lower limb amputations resulting from vascular disease could have been prevented. It’s important that you get a second opinion to ensure amputation is the only course of action. It’s possible that minimally invasive procedures could restore blood flow to your limbs.

Diagnostic Testing

One of the most important steps in determining whether amputation or other treatments are appropriate is to get a picture, or angiogram of the blockage in your leg. Contrast angiography is a medical procedure that takes pictures of your blood vessels, which allows the doctor to observe any possible blockage(s). This can help your doctor determine if an alternative treatment to amputation is appropriate for you.

Why Minimizing Amputation Is Important

It has been reported that many lower limb amputations resulting from vascular disease related complications could have been prevented. In fact, in one retrospective study, 67% of advanced PAD patients in the U.S. had primary amputation as their initial treatment.16 Many of these amputations could have been prevented with treatments or other forms of intervention.

Risks Associated With Amputation

Amputation is a serious procedure that has several risks associated with it. Patients with limb loss experience significantly lower health status, high rates of mortality, and an increased risk for cardiovascular diseases. Studies estimate a five-year mortality rate for patients who have had an amputation to be between 50% and 74%.17-18

Alternatives To Amputation

There are several alternatives to amputation that you should be aware of. Visit our treatment page to learn more about minimally invasive procedures that can help open blocked arteries and restore blood flow. Every case is different, and only a doctor can provide you with medical guidance appropriate to your condition. Ask your doctor if they are familiar with these types of minimally invasive procedures and if you’re a good candidate for them.